Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama wins the "Race"

A great man was elected to office yesterday. It was surreal. My friends and family were confident of the results so we all met at .99 cent Taco Tuesday At El Torito to celebrate. Screams and shouts erupted when CNN announced the news. I told my six and three year old son that Obama had won and they jumped around with excitement. I know that they were emulating what they'd seen from our family and friends, but their bit of excitement gave me even more "Hope". Once home, I put my sons to bed and listened to Obama's speech. I watched Obama speak of his victory as a victory for America. I watched teary eyed with happiness. I eventually pulled myself out of it and made a couple crank calls to my McCain supporting friends. In the long fight for Civil Rights and Equality, I knew that this was the beginning for some, the middle of the race for others, and the end for others...a realization of a dream come true.
I cant wait for January 20th-The Inauguration in Washington D.C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The smell of change is in the air. I celebrate America's victory with you and hope to make it to the inauguration in person!