Thursday, April 3, 2008

Visiting Bethune

Today I visited Bethune. The TL shared with me some valuable advice she learned in library school. She said that as librarians we must do all the PR-Public Relations for our school. The faculty and staff does not know what our job entails so we much promote and encourage the use of thelibrary as much as we can. She shared with me a PR strategy she uses with her school...Each month she sends out a packet of information to the faculty and staff. Attached to the packet there is a note that says, "Attached is your March gift from the Media Center. I hope that it is something that will help make your day better...If you come across something wonderful that helps you in your class, why not share with the rest of us". She included a list of "Women Centered Movies" because it is Women's History Month. She also included information from the TL PD about Google Groups. I thought that this gesture was very kind. Sharing is Caring. By giving this packet to teachers they become cognizant of themes and may incoporate them into their lessons.

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