Friday, April 18, 2008

Guys Read- PR Tool for Boys

I found a website that caters to our boys. This site was created by a former teacher who wanted to "help boys find stuff they like to read". This animated website allows boys to search for their favorite author or just browse through the recommended titles for young middle and older guys. Jon Scieszka, the creator of this site, provides some stuff that will help you start your own Guys Read Program. TL's will find this to be a great PR for boys. This site provides posters and templates for bookmarks and stickers.


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Thanks for sharing this great site.

librarymum said...

This is a great site and fun to use. I just need to find a way to get high school guys to use it. It will probably come down to me using it for ideas of how to get books in the hands of those reluctant guy readers, who are even more reluctant by the time they are in high school!