Tuesday, July 1, 2008

ALA Conference

Over the weekend, I attended the ALA Conference in Anaheim, CA.  Over 50,000 librarians attended this event.  In addition to all the attendees were thousands of exhibitors and presenters from across the nation.  I was overwhelmed by all the goodies offered by vendors 'phishing' for new consumers.  My favorite gifts were from DEMCO, a new carry bag and FDIC two small piggy banks that I gave to my children.  I was impressed by Alan Sitomer, a Lynwood HS teacher and the 2007 Teacher of the year.   He led a session on how to get reluctant male readers reading.  I took away some of his strategies and a few titles that I cannot wait to check out…Hoopster, Homeboyz and Hip Hop High School.   I was also impressed by the winners and nominees of the Pura Belpre Award.  Yuyi Morales was presented with the Best Illustrator award for her work featured in Los Gatos Black on Halloween.  When she accepted her award she stated that the pictures were not her own but yet those recreated by the ghosts that haunted her as a child.  She sang a beautiful song about “La Llorona.  I was taken aback by Yuyi’s many talents and her artistry.  Other highlights of the conference were meeting Nikki Giovanni one of my favorite poets and Kadir Nelson, "the Best" Illustrator out there.  


Jackie S, 2.0 project manager said...

Sounds like you had fun and learned lots at ALA. Did you get your picture taken in the DEMCO booth?

Best wishes.
- Jackie

Ms.Jackson said...

Although I did not get my picture taken. DEMCO gave me a bag and entered me into a contest to win a $500 gift certificate. I had a great time and am expecting more next year at ALA in Chicago. Who knows maybe Oprah will be there giving out books from her Book Club. :)