Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Visiting Edison MS

WOW! What a wonderful visit. The TL at Edison had so much to share with me. While in the midst of a Scholastic Book Fair and tons of students circulating books throughout the day, she managed to give me over 100 pointers on how to run a library. I came away with a booklet for Library Practice (lessons included). I came away with procedural documents: library overdue notices, cheating rules :) for AR, Library Practice Application (because we all have students who want a service job), "Where to Look for a Lost Book" worksheet, Deb Stanley info for research and lots more.
The TL added her pick to my Google group entitled "Empower the Librarian" and we created the video for our future iMovie which will promote her current book fair.
She invited me back to catalogue and repair books so I'll blog on that soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Love your blog! Thanks for including your visit to our libray; we loved having you and don't forget, there's a box of books for you to repair anytime!