Wednesday, March 26, 2008

New Add to the List Serv

One of the TL's I found a step-by-step guide that shows how to enroll onto the CLAS listserv. The district showed her how to join via a PD a few years ago. I clicked on this link and it gave me directions:<
What a great help this was! Thanks

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your comment on our blog!

I noticed when browsing your blog that you are a fan of Playaway. Recorded Books offers hundreds of titles on Playaway - see our listing on the Recorded Books school site. We've also done a pilot program using Playaways with a local school (posts from the visits are on our blog) - the kids love them!

We'd love it if you'd add us to your blogroll/ and hope you continue to come visit!