Monday, March 17, 2008

Week 1: Lifelong Learning Habits

After watching the 7 1/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners, I found that Habit 2(Accept responsibility for your own learning) would be the easiest for me. I am responsible for my own learning. I am very disciplined in this sense. I've taken online courses, and am diligent about finishing any project I start. I am always motivated to attend professional development opportunities and trainings that will help me become a better TL. The habit hardest for me would be Habit 3:Viewing problems as challenges. Often times when faced with a difficult situation it isn't always easy to see that there is a learning experience that will evolve from it. This is a habit I will continue to work on throughout my lifelong learning experiences. I really enjoyed this tutorial...very inspirational.

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